PRVEPA policies and fees

(Effective December 1, 2013)

1. DG Agreement & Compliance: DG Owner is required to execute a 3-party DG Agreement with PRVEPA and its power supplier, Cooperative Energy, prior to DG installation process, and comply with all requirements of various national codes and standards including but not limited to: IEEE 1547 (Standard for Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems), UL 1741 (Standard for Inverters, Converters, Controllers and Interconnection System Equipment for Use With Distributed Energy Resources), and the NEC (National Electrical Code).

2. DG Installation (without notification): When Member installs/interconnects/interties a DG system to/with PRVEPA’s System without advance written approval, without executing required DG Agreement with PRVEPA, and without PRVEPA present on-site when commissioning DG System , Member is subject to, without notice, immediate disconnection of Member’s electrical service that is associated/interconnected with DG system. Member’s service will not be reconnected until all DG requirements by PRVEPA and its Power Supplier are fully complied with and PRVEPA is fully reimbursed for all cost associated with resolving DG non-compliance issue. In addition, PRVEPA shall have the right to immediately isolate Member’s premises and/or DG System from PRVEPA’s electrical system/grid until DG system complies with applicable standards, codes and policies

3. DG Interconnection Type (Owner must select type of DG Interconnection):

A. DG "never" connected to the electric grid – DG Owner "does not sell energy"

DG Owner shall isolate DG System from PRVEPA distribution system and/or build DG that is mechanically prevented from interconnecting with PRVEPA system. All loads become displaced. Interconnection contracts are not required. 

B. DG "normally connected" to the electric grid – DG Owner "does not sell energy" 

DG Owner may build DG that is normally connected to PRVEPA distribution system. Some or entire load becomes displaced. Contract is executed between DG Owner, PRVEPA, and Cooperative Energy to allow interconnection and parallel operation of DG owned and operated by DG Owner. DG Owner opts out of selling energy to Cooperative Energy. 

C. DG "normally connected" to the electric grid – DG Owner "may sell energy" 

DG Owner may build DG that is normally connected to PRVEPA distribution system. Some or entire load becomes displaced. Contract is executed between DG Owner, PRVEPA, and Cooperative Energy to allow interconnection and parallel operation of DG owned and operated by DG Owner. DG Owner opts to sell energy to Cooperative Energy

4. Fees & Charges (Minimums):

DG Option 01
DG Option 02 DG Option 03

A. Residential:

(1) Application Fee

$0 $0

(2) Engineering Fee

$100 $100

(3) Field Commissioning Fee

$100 $100

B. Commercial:

(1) Application Fee

$0 $0

(2) Engineering Fee

$200 $200

(3) Field Commissioning Fee

$200 $200

C. DG System Connects to PRVEPA System without notifying PRVEPA or having a signed DG Agreement (Minimum)

$500, plus $100 each day DG System is left connected without signed DG Agreement

D. DG Daily Base Charge

$1.15/day $1.30/day

E. When DG Owner disconnects PRVEPA service to operate solely on DG system without standby agreement and standby rate, fees to re-establish service are: 

(1) Within 12 month period – “DG Member Monthly Charge” times number of inactive service months, plus current membership fee, new account fee, and applicable service fees, taxes, etc.

(2) After 12 month period of inactive service – Current membership fee, plus new account fee, applicable service fees, 

(3) Plus, any other additional or new fees and charges set by board of directors at time of re-establishing service.

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