Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get an extension on my bill?

  • Payment arrangements are made on an individual basis. Please call 855-2PRVEPA.

Can I pay my bill online?

  • Yes, you can pay your bill by accessing our customer service portal by clicking the “pay my bill” button on the home page.  You can also download the official PRVEPA app.

How long do I have to pay my bill?

  • Each month’s bill is due upon receipt.  A $5 late fee is applied if a current month’s charges remain unpaid at the delinquent date. 

Do you take credit or debit card payments?

  • Yes, credit and debit card payments may be made online or on the automated phone payment system.

Why is my bill so high?

  • There are many contributing factors to your electric use.  Lifestyles and weather conditions contribute to your energy consumption.  In addition, your home’s square footage and type of insulation impact your heating and cooling ability.  PRVEPA offers a variety of energy calculators to help you understand your electric use.  You can also manage your account in our customer service portal and view your daily electric use.

If my power goes out, what should I do?

  • First, check to see if your neighbor has power.  If everyone around you has power, check your fuse or breaker box.  If that doesn’t seem to be the problem, call Pearl River Valley Electric at 855-2PRVEPA.

What should I do if I see a power line down?

  • You should automatically assume that all power lines are energized.  Call Pearl River Valley Electric immediately to report the line’s location. 

Can I trim my own trees away from the power lines?

  • No, Federal law states that in order to do any work within 10 feet of any energized primary power lines, you must be line-clearance qualified.

My bill is always rounded up to the nearest dollar. Why?

  • Pearl River Valley Electric rounds up participating member’s accounts to the nearest dollar for our Round Up for Education Scholar’s Program.  The money is put in a special fund overseen by the Pinebelt Foundation.  The program started in 2012 and has raised nearly $2.5 million to help PRVEPA members, their children and spouses attend Mississippi community colleges.  If you wish to opt-out, simply fill out the online form and mail it back to us or call your local office.

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